30 Nov COVID-19 Update
Thank you for helping us and our community stay safe during the pandemic
Please get tested if you have any COVID symptoms at all. The symptoms of COVID include fever, cough, sore/ scratchy throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell. You MUST self-isolate until you get your results.
If you need advice or have questions contact your GP rooms (do not presented to their Practice) or call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
Please know we will be asking everyone some questions to ensure we minimise the spread of viral illness amongst staff and patients. You must wear a mask while in our practice.
These include:
- History of Travel to any identified Hotspots or around someone who has come from any identified HotSpot (please keep up to date with these locations)
- Contact with confirmed case of COVID-19
- Respiratory symptoms including cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose
If you have any cold or flu like symptoms, we will reschedule your appointment.
Please come at the time of your appointment unless asked to come earlier by reception.
Please use the COVID safe app (QR code) to sign into our Practice upon entering.
Please sanitise your hands before you enter the Practice.
Social distancing: Our door will be locked as we can only have a small number of patients and their support person in our rooms at a time.
Please speak to your GP regarding the COVID vaccination and follow their recommendations.
Please see the following link to Healthy North Coast https://hnc.org.au/
Mask Wearing Requirements